frigin a!!!
this was stuck in my head all day!!!
i just forgot to review and tell you that i got in trouble in class one day for humin the tune on axcident...lol
frigin a!!!
this was stuck in my head all day!!!
i just forgot to review and tell you that i got in trouble in class one day for humin the tune on axcident...lol
holy shizzzzzzz!!!!!
that fukin sounds fuckin hard core!!!
i knbow it's a demo but at least put some beat to it....just to make it even more awsomer....
very well done i can't wait intill the acualy release
can you say PROFESIONAL?
very profesional indeed!
damn dude!
you need to get a record deal!!!
or get on the radio!!!
this is thee best song ive heard on this site dude!!!
very well done i really can't say anything bad about this......
Hit me back with a review of MY newest song -joyful glor- =D
p.s. i'm nik_mug's freind i've heard of you =) you're awsome!!!
um lolololol big oops there -_-#
lol well...........
now i feel imbarresd......
this is awsome dude!!!
the lead is really cool
the beat sounds awsome!
well read the other review and w/e
chek out the song. k?
I am sooo sorry it took so long for me to respond. I will PM you with my advice.
fuckin sweeet!!!
dude this is profesional i swear to god!!!
very very very well done!!!
Hey since you're so profesional, i need some pro advice on my newest song -Joyful glory- i'd apreciate it
awsome track!!!
hard fuckin core!!!
dude this is your best yet!!!
great job!!!
Thanx! I'm making a lot more like this!
this song is the song of all songs!!!
great job dude!!!
i can't get the tune outa my head!!!
and you were right the ending is the best!!!
good job dude you rule!!!
=O Holy Crack Monkeys!!!
I shit my pants!!!
This song is frigin awsome i frigin shit my pants!!!
holy dam!!!
this would be perfect for i game!!!
hey can ya chek out my newest song -Joyful glory- and tell me what you think please =D
this is awsome dude!!!!
very well done!!!
I didn't think that this song was that kind of music. Oh, well. Glad you liked it!
short and sweet!!!
loops very well!!!
sounds cool!!!
awsome job dude!!!
keep it up!!!
check out my newest song -joyful glory- and tell me what you think =D
this is awsome!!
very well done!!!
Thanks! I'll check your stuff out right now!
Oh Em Gee!!!
this is awsome!!!
Perfect trance song!!!
keep it up!!!
the beat was kik ass!!!
the notes were SWEEEEEEEEET
hey can ya check out my newest song - joyful glory- and give me some pro advice =D
i swear this song is frigin profesional!!!
keep it up man you own!!!
Age 33, Male
Orange, California
Joined on 12/11/05