i love it!
it's sweet i think it sounds like acid but hey i never know wich ganre's to pik!
good job! i like the instroments and beat good j0b!
i love it!
it's sweet i think it sounds like acid but hey i never know wich ganre's to pik!
good job! i like the instroments and beat good j0b!
Defenatly ganna make it on the pod cast!
yup all your music gets on the pod cast none of mine does =(
cuz all he piks is techno
that son of a bitch
well good job i'm workin my butt off to make somethin good but i gues i aint good at it =( aw well good job once again!!!5/5! yayayayayayaya!
great stuff...wait that's an understatement
Frigin awsome shit dude!!! ..there you go
can't think of anything wrong hmmm lemme listen to it again...hmmm nope nuthin...wait one more time....hmmm naw can't think of any wrong mistakes...3rd times a charm lol
good work!
yay a rare thing you do! no techno this time yay!!! great job!!! the drum beat doesn't really fit near the end and the violins or w/e are we bit to quiet...but who am i to talk you got over 300 songs and i only have like 14 or wut ever!
5/5! hellz yeah!
zenon zenon zenon zenon who?
OMFG dude this is hilarias!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my ass allmost fell off!!!! lol ( i stole that from you =P) lol
dude you have an awsome voice! is that your voice? it's like low...and cool
lol this is my vavorite song ever! lol nice job!!! Zenon Zenon Zenon Zenon who?
Haha, thank you. And yeah, that is my voice.
wow i looked back at all the frigin dum ass reviews i made and i didnt give you any advice or tell you if there is any problems with any of them..hmm...and i sound like i'm high on somthin...sorry about the vague reviews...=S
I like the name +100
I like the beat +200
I like the bass +200
I like the frign chorus +500
that's 10,000 points! GOOOOAAAAL!!!!to bad all i can give you is 5 =(
P.S. i made a remake of "Sad Suspence" you remember???chek it out see if it's better! :D
Don't be sorry about the reviews you gave, each one gave me a happy feeling ^^
Sure man, you spent enough time writing reviews to me :P I think you deserve one :)
lol jk nuthin sux of yours man!!!
can ever ever ever make sumthin that sux so you can make the world less jealous!!! lol :D
you are defenently better than paragonx9!!!
i'ma make a thread "-Zenon- vs Paragonx9" too see if newgrounds likes who better i bet you ganna win!!!
well i'll make the thread when i'm lifted from my ban from the forum lol! good music! (i mailed you and i bet you didn't read it cuz you prolly cuz 50,000 poeple e-mail you!!! W/E!!! GREAT KIk ASS MUSIC all the time!!!!!!
is this stolen???
dude i think ive heard this on the radio???
w/e i really dont care lol awsome vocals,words,guitar,and wut ever else!!! Great job!!!!! you the bomb!!! 5/5!!!
Lol, thanks alot. Appreciate it.
lol awsome!
awsome use of effects! good job matey! 5/5
LOL ha ha ha!
i loved it it made me think of jimmy in south park with an A-K 47 charging an old person for some reason ( i'm not weird i'm just resnarted lol)
well once again you made a great song good job!
Age 33, Male
Orange, California
Joined on 12/11/05