dam dude this stuff is tight!!
awsome i like the beginig and the beat! your good at makin beats!!! Good job! 5/5
dam dude this stuff is tight!!
awsome i like the beginig and the beat! your good at makin beats!!! Good job! 5/5
dang! omfg you are thee best on newgrounds!!!!!!!
way better than paragonx9 great job! :D 5/5
you are a great musician! luv it luv it luv it!!! dam good job!!!5/5
wtf dude wtf!!!
dang cunfusing but gets really good i like it wow!5/5
totally oldschool
totally old school man good job!!!! i luv it 5/5!
you love makin remakes lol good job 5/5!
i gotta headache!
i gotta head ache!!! from listening to my mom tellin me to turn down the volume! lol
good job dont ever say your stuff is crap it's others that say that plus i dont think anyone would say that!
crappy crap??
lol i like it it makes me laugh he he
i can never ever make anything like this good job!!!
10/10 or 5/5 or 1000/1000
you kiddin me?
you gotta stop bein so good i'ma cut my self cuz of jealousy jk bad joke not funny .......but really good job! 5/5! i never say anything is wrong cuz there isn't!!!!!
1'nce again awsome job!
dang man you never qwit take a break after awhile! man wait nvm keep it up i luv it! 5/5 totally!
Age 33, Male
Orange, California
Joined on 12/11/05