Since you made this on your laptop with headphones you made it really loud!!!
You are gettin there dude! ^^
yur best song yet!!!
Since you made this on your laptop with headphones you made it really loud!!!
You are gettin there dude! ^^
yur best song yet!!!
Fuckin pig!
I love you too. <3
SoB Improvement to the max!
good job man!!! I enojyed it tons!
thanks man no nakedness in my house ok? lata
We gotta keep on workin on it and you'll get there i promise!!!!!
Keep it up man!
just keep on making a billion random song and practise practise practise!!!!!
!11ewfcQwgvEberHGqerGeQvQreVev$@v4rgv% $%$g45h 4442H286543 3%$@H4$532 542H53t $h94wh$ Wh42H$@9h42H 21 %$@h6541H R542 8%$ H@h3$@4H 5542w$G 2%$@h2j 53j2 J5e^j ejyjJYJYTEj yrdJ YTEj REj Er2J e2J2erj2R yre2j%E2E2 %J yrj2%E &%2 J5&2j e2 72 67 e^ 675j6678 654 ^8675e67678re57 r53r 27j 721r 32847r 6r43527r33546874
change up the notes a little!!!
and the begging was way to long and boring!!!!
this was very quiet and boring... :(
when you mixed the 2 beats together it sounded bad....
i liked the electric warp thing that was cool!! ^^
maybe add a bass that plays off beats on beats 2 and 4 playing the same notes or sumthing....
i really liked the snare roll :D
very cool
good job! sorry for me listing the bad. but hey i think you'd want to know.....
Kewl! Thank you so much! I like to hear what I did wrong more than what I did right. How much can I learn from the good? Tell me all the bad you hear so I can change it and perfect the song.
I know... I was kinda sketchy about mixing the beats.
It was a clap roll LoLz.
Thanx a lot!
Better than Basshunter himself!!!
This is going on my ipod!!!!!!!
There is no way that i can ever make those beautiful notes like that!!!
now i'm list the good and bad! :D
The bass could have been a little more beefy.
The lil warp lead that detunes up like 8 times in a row is really anoying =/ maybe just have it do it once.......MAKE THE SONG LONGER DAMNIT!!!
Good: eh em i mean - Great:
Begining was awsome!!! The big smash to start things off was sweet!!!!! Those notes are seriously godly!!! Now that piano is just outstanding!!! Reverb is perfect! all effects kick major ass!!!
this is ganna be a plat or sumthing for sure!!!!
wow!!! Alot of effort in this!!!!!
This is one bad ass piece!!!
Epic to the max!!!
beats are profesional!!!
the synths mix very well!!!
Notes are on the dot!!!
There is that anoying little sound...the screaching, it gets really anoying,... but it goes awayso no prob.
Hey it's great, ok!!! I really liekd it!!! it's going on my iPod =D
WOW!! i feel wicked special being in some1's iPod...xDD
Thanks a lot for ur review and for those chats..xD...
(Th3 SoTo WTF!)
Great flash artist and musician!!!
you are one cool kid. The tune is never ever repetitive and is very very diverse! The ending is to aprubt. the beat is very awsome and fast!
keep em comin man! great job!
thanks man!! who are you again?
Fuckin twisted and insane!!!
It's suposed to be crappy???
Cuz the bass was fuckin loud as fuck!!!
this made lugh so fuckin hard!!!
Well, I accidentally made this with my volume at one. I normally make my songs at around 3 or 4, which allows me to make my songs at the perfect volume. So yes it's very loud, and it's supposed to be very poundy. Kicks were put at full velocity and sometimes doubled up. I had a lot of fun making this, but I don't like it at all.
Thanks for reviewing! :D
Age 33, Male
Orange, California
Joined on 12/11/05