how the hell...
how the hell...
lol I know *blushes* its only good for the first half tho I'll definatly make anuda remix of anuda song
you never ever stop amazing me man!!!
where the hell do you think of this stuff!!!
you are awsome!!!
keep it up!!!
you really like useing the "luck spin" thingy at the end lol!
but hey i like it!
Hell ya! Luckspin is meh LIFE bizatch XD
Dam this shit is awsome!!!!
thanks so much!!!
good job!!! =)
you rule!!!
I hoped u liked it! Thanx 4 the review
you were right man the ending is frigin the shit!!!!
good work keep it up!
but make your own beat....
i love the ending!!!
p.s. i voted 5
(Score now is 3.43)
YEEEEEEYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANX MAN, THIS IS 1 OF MY FAV SONGS IVE MADE!!! =)!!!!!!!!!!!
Very well done!!!!!
awsome job!!!!!
keep it up man!!!!
this stuff is awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the bells and the bass and the beat is awsome!!!
it flows really well!
just make it not so repeitive...add more notes...
Good job man!!!
Yeah I hear ya dude...I want to remaster this...and make it like...so much different. check back soon bro!
-Earth Wind Fire Water-
Everlasting Elements!
You...Suck...at sucking!
Very cool!
this one was very frigin cool!!!!!!!!
GREAT JOB!!!!!!!1
i loved this one!!!
i liked the guitar in the back round!
OMG this song rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
=\ not too bad!
the begining was very well... boring...sorry =(
but the notes really cool!!!
The beat was good but you coulda made it a lil better.
Next time maybe add more instoments...don't be afraid you can just take it out if you don't like it...lol
well i'm not ganna make a remix of this am i???
nahi think 1 is enough lol
good job! it's way better than my 2nd submition!!!
Thanks man! The thing is the original song was like that... one instrumental synth and the rest was percussion. However, I can't describe that synth... it was such a thick, juicy instrument. :P I couldn't find one in my collection.
Yeah, one was enough to flatter the hell out of me. :D
Thanks for the line!
you were right it totally sounds matrix-ish
it's frikin awsome!!!
great job!!!!
the drums are awsome!!!
thanx man, I didnt just hav the FPC on this 1, I had my Magic Techno drum kit that I got from hammersound, its so useful sometimes, Im glad u liked it, Happy Music-making! =]
lol thee old fart!! lolololol
awsome lerics!!!
the quallity isn't that good but still awsome lyrics!!!
hehehe, thanks alot man!\m/
would kik more ass...
you added some more beats to it
i can totally hear you used some FL drums in there...
but it would be frigin awsome if you added awsome hard core crashes and a better bass and stuff
w/e great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the tunes are outa this world!!!
Yeah, I wish I had spent more time on this...I think it was around 45mins or so. But glad you like it anyways!!\m/ Totally was FL drums too...hahaha.
Age 33, Male
Orange, California
Joined on 12/11/05