very well done!!!
i love this!!! for your first time it's really! really! really! great! my first one is really dum!
keep it up i can tell your ganna do lots of great pieces!
very well done!!!
i love this!!! for your first time it's really! really! really! great! my first one is really dum!
keep it up i can tell your ganna do lots of great pieces!
thank you well i hope others will like it too
pretty cool man.....
wow great job!
knowing how hard it is to come up with a song you did a great job with the notes.
the bass or backround or lefthand, hwat ever is really good(i'm no pianist)
the main is cool sounding!
good job keep it up!!!
dam this beat is crazy!
crazy beat! it's off the hook!
i love the motha fukin tunes!!!
keep it up!!!!!!!
very very very well done!
you deserve your own handy dandy pat on the back!!!! good job!
here have a cookie!
gets a lil repetitive...but HEY! the tune is awsome!!! it starts off it goes from low volume to high...what eva!
good job! keep it up!
The guy below said it all
just make it more diverse...meaning make a shit load of crap goin on at a time!!!
good job next time you make somthing keep in mind all this stuff poeple advise you to do...
I don't care, all I care about is my 10, YAYYYY!
this shit is tight!
dam good job!
i like the tune...(gets a lil repetitive)
be more diverse...
good job keep it up!!!
thanks man and thanks for your review
very cool!
dude wow! this is some kik ass stuff!!!! your very good! keep it up! there's some things wrong....gets repetitive, theres that weird loud "cranking" noise...(i can't explain it)
but great beat! good job man!
"DOWN AT THE ATTIC" aren't attics suposed to be up in the ceiling??? lol so it would be "UP AT THE ATTIC" lol!!!
what ever!
good job i liked the tune would be really good looped for a game...keep it up...
wow holy dam!!!!!
great job! i love it! man-o-man!!!
good job! i haven't been makin music lately cuz i'm on a musical brain fart...
i love the geetar!
kik ass!
ch ch ch CHARMIN!
omfg ha ha ah ah ah ah ah!!!!
great job!!!!1
i peed my pants!!!!
LOL ,i'm glad you enjoyed!
Age 33, Male
Orange, California
Joined on 12/11/05