the remake is better...good job bla bla bla better than my first time bla bla!
p.s. i reviewed 5 times you reviewd mine 0 times...hmmmm whats wrong about that??? lol jk
just review some of my songs dude and maybe you can get other ideas =)
the remake is better...good job bla bla bla better than my first time bla bla!
p.s. i reviewed 5 times you reviewd mine 0 times...hmmmm whats wrong about that??? lol jk
just review some of my songs dude and maybe you can get other ideas =)
they both sound the same to me....
ha ha ha you made a mistake! lol jk
poop yeah....
well... its a little louder... i think
(William fowl was born on december 16th 1946)
(fictional character)
very well done!
great job! i can't think of anything wrong.
maybe add drums??? you never know...
or just some cymbals or sumthing...
what ever sounds very peaceful and cool!
next time make it sound like dead and corupted and stuff =) lol what eva
hehe thanks man. i was thinking cymbols...but i wanted it to be a simple song..im thinking of making a longer version
this aint the worst ive heard lol!
good for your first...mine was way worse!!! trust me...
what would sound good in this one, if you added like a high pitched violin playing a melodie of some sort while this music is going and make it longer. good job!
Keep the reviews comming!
Very cool!
i like it...but one thing...it doesn't loop very well...
what i usually do is i listen to it on itunes or some music player thing and make it the only song on the list so it repeats, so then you know if it repeats good...
you get it??? =/
good job! keep it up!
I'm trying to get it to loop good but it does not work. I think i'll just stick to actuall songs that are not loops
Good Job
good job but it got a lil repetitive. Don't worry this happens to everyone. like me. The piano doesn't sound like a REAL piano...
ok i'll stop bagin on you...lol
good job! everyone makes mistakes! I ain't perfect!
thanks! btw: william fowl is is a name I use on the internet.
lol my name is jon
my name is jon so it's weird whne i hear this....
congrats on the downloads!!!1
you are dah shit!!!
i love you!
thanx but I dont love u, ur my friend, I dont play both sides of the field if u know wat Im saying (lol Carl humor)
good job!!!!111!!!!1111!!!!
great job on this one~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!~!~!~1
my fukin god great job!
hey did you know that this was a GEAT JOB~!!!!
if you didn't know i saw on the news that this song was the greatest ever!!! (exept mine mines the greatsest =P )
lol what ever!!!i'm bak home!!!!!
great job luvs yah! not bla bla bla dope is bad!
Age 33, Male
Orange, California
Joined on 12/11/05